Thank you to everyone who came to support our club and watch our most recent production, ‘Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Christmas Goose’ solved and wrapped up in time for Christmas celebrations!
Also a huge ‘shout out’ to our amazing cast and to those who made it possible (but whom the audience don't see on stage). For the production; to Colin (never going to forget the sound of a goose being cut open Colin!) Nick and Team for the amazing set build and taking it down, even though, Steve first took it down in the dress rehearsal (spectacular backward flip through the back of the set, from which he is now recovered and we decided not to repeat for the performances!).
Kathryn for all the support and poster management. Pat and Vicki for the amazing flock of geese and much more. Sue Geist of Get Creative, provided all the amazing publicity, Sherna the brilliant costumes. Nicky Barranger for the excellent pictures. Gill and team for yummy catering and Jane and her helper flock for Box Office and Front of House Management & Bar. What an amazing team!
First staged in Richmond Theatre in 1938, 'Gaslight' is a tale of deceit, set in fog-bound London of the late 1800s.
Written by Patrick Hamilton, the play defined toxic masculinity and is still poignant in its depiction of abusive relationships, so much so that it coined the term 'gaslighting', which sadly we know is still all too present in society today. The play drives at breakneck pace to deliver a plot-twist laden and powerful piece that ultimately concludes with sweet revenge.
Directed by: Tim Comerford
Audition information - look out for details coming soon.